Which Type of Bariatric Surgery Is Best?

July 26, 2019 | Bariatric Surgery Gastric Bypass Surgery

Types of Bariatric Surgery in Milburn, NJ

If your body has experienced the ravages of obesity – which may include type II diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea – you may be ready for a change. Having bariatric surgery shows your commitment to losing weight and regaining your health.

But which procedure is right for you? Compare the four types of bariatric surgery available at Garden State Bariatrics and Wellness Center.

Duodenal Switch Surgery

Bariatric surgery helps patients lose weight in one of two ways: it either restricts the amount of food the stomach can hold, or it shortens/bypasses the small intestine to encourage weight loss via calorie malabsorption. Duodenal switch (DS) does both.

First, about two-thirds of the stomach is removed. Then, the first section of the small intestine, called the duodenum, is routed directly to the last section, bypassing the middle section altogether. This way, bile, and pancreatic juices only interact with the last several feet of the intestine to reduce calorie absorption.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Like DS surgery, a gastric bypass helps patients lose weight by both decreasing the size of the stomach and bypassing a portion of the intestinal tract to limit calorie absorption.

First, a small two-ounce pouch is made in the stomach. This is the only part that receives food, but the rest of the stomach remains in the abdomen to produce digestive juices. Then, the small intestine is cut below the stomach and attached directly to the pouch. A lower section of the intestine is attached to the main stomach so digestive juices continue to flow. However, since food bypasses a portion of the small intestine, fewer calories are absorbed.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Patients lose weight from receiving a sleeve gastrectomy because their stomach is restricted and a chemical/hormonal effect takes place.

First, the stomach is reduced from 32 ounces to 10 ounces (the size of a banana), limiting the amount of food the patient can eat at a time. The small intestine remains intact, but with the decreased production of ghrelin, the “hunger hormone”, the patient has less desire to eat. This is the key to losing weight with a gastric sleeve.

Gastric Balloon Procedure

Unlike bariatric surgery, the gastric ReShape dual balloon is not a permanent surgical procedure. Instead, it’s a temporary intragastric device that jumpstarts weight loss for patients looking to lose 25 to 40 pounds.

First, the balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth. Then, it’s filled with saline to take up space in the stomach, making the patient feel full faster. The device remains in place for about six months and is then removed through the mouth. Insurance does not cover this procedure.

Reclaim Your Health with Bariatric Surgery

Visit Garden State Bariatrics and Wellness Center in New Jersey to discuss your bariatric surgery options with our knowledgeable surgeons. We’ll answer your questions and educate you on which procedure may be best. We’ll make sure you feel confident about your decision before we move forward.

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