Playing The Long Game for Weight Loss Success

October 24, 2023 | Bilof's Corner

Playing The Long Game for Weight Loss Success

By Dr. Michael Bilof

I’ve been thinking lately that to really succeed at something… like really, truly succeed you have to play the “Long Game”, not the short game. Since our interest in these pages is health, fitness, and longevity, let me put it in those terms.

The ‘short game’ is the crash diet: you get some results (sometimes even good results!) but they never last, not really. You lose 20 lbs. in 6 weeks, but as soon as you stop the unsustainable diet you gain those 20 lbs. back plus 10 more over the next 3 to 4 months… Arghhh!

How to Play the Long Game to Live Healthier

The Long Game is the person who fundamentally changes their dietary habits in a way that is sustainable for the long term (hence the idea of the long game). Bariatric Surgery or Weight Loss Medicines (both of which we offer here at Garden State Bariatrics) can be an integral part of the Long Game.

So, for example, given what I do I am frequently asked “Doc, what is the best diet?” The Best Diet is something that I have discussed in these pages before. My answer is always the same: the ‘best’ diet is something that is healthy of course (healthy means ‘real food’ like meats/fish/fruits/vegetables) But more importantly, the best diet for you needs to be something you can do for the rest of your life… that is, the long game!

No one, not me, not you, no one, gets up every day and voluntarily does something that makes them miserable. So, whatever program (in terms of nutrition or exercise) you put in place—make sure it is something that you can do every day, and if we are talking about diet.. something you enjoy. Something you enjoy (and is healthy) is something you can then maintain for the long term and really, truly succeed.

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