Meet Our Physician’s Assistants

October 26, 2022 | Bilof's Corner

Meet Our Physician's Assistants

By Dr. Michael Bilof
In case you missed it, October 6th was “National PA Day”! If you are not in the medical field you might reasonably ask… What is a PA? (Hint: It’s not a State) Well, if you are a patient of Garden State Bariatrics you already know one PA and perhaps two. First off, “PA” means Physician’s Assistant, and we have (in my humble opinion 😊) two of the best on our team — Bella Baum (mostly in our Millburn office) and Michael Caromano (mostly in Toms River and Deborah).

What Does a PA do?

If you have ever been to our office as a patient, it is quite likely that the very first clinical person you met was either Bella or Michael as they are usually the person who takes your medical history and does an initial exam. In addition to this, they perform many other duties, some that involve interacting directly with patients and some that are more ‘behind the scenes’.

For example, when someone calls you about any blood work you’ve had done it is almost always either Mike or Bella. They are the ones you see in the office just before your surgery to make sure everything is in order for surgery to proceed seamlessly. After your surgery, it’s Bella and Mike who see you in the hospital and coordinate your care, making sure everything is in order for discharge. Last and certainly not least they assist both Dr. Yurcisin and I with all the surgery we do… after all, not just any ‘Joe Blow’ can touch our patients!

In short, Bella and Michael are essential to delivering the top-notch medical care you’ve come to expect from Dr. Yurcisin and me. And it doesn’t hurt that they are both really nice and super compassionate people! Please join me in giving them both a big Garden State Bariatrics “thank you” for their many years of service to our patients!

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