Having Support through Weight Loss Journey & Surgery

December 7, 2019 | Weight Loss

Fat girl and boy doing exercise

Making the decision to have weight loss surgery is immensely personal. It’s a huge commitment and a lifelong lifestyle change. The people who are most successful in an undertaking of this magnitude, though, are the ones with a good support system in place.

People with a strong support system are more likely to remain positive and motivated, and to be successful in long-term weight loss. In an ideal situation, the person undergoing the surgery will have friends and family members who act as cheerleaders, celebrating every victory along with the person making this very important journey toward a better life. Good support comes from people who are slow to criticize and quick to help their friend or loved one find ways to overcome obstacles and press on to success. If you have a support system like this in place, that’s wonderful! You’ll find that these people are invaluable to your continued progress.

But what if your family and friends are not the support team you need them to be? In that case, a support group might be a better option. Members of a support group are uniquely qualified to understand your journey because they’re on a similar path. Participating in a support group give you the opportunity to talk about your experiences, ask questions, learn new ways to handle issues that arise, and connect with people who really “get it.” Some support groups even invite guest speakers to come and address the group, which can be extremely beneficial.

Even online support can be very helpful. If you don’t have access to a group that meets in person, or you aren’t comfortable getting to know a group of people face to face, look into online support groups. You may be surprised at the level of connection you feel when you start to get to know the people in the group, and in addition to support during a time of great change, you may even make some life-long friends.

If you’re looking for a medical team to support you as you make this major life change, look to Garden State Bariatrics. An MBSAQIP accredited bariatric practice, we provide surgical and ongoing medical care to help patients reach their surgical, nutritional and lifelong goals. Passionate about our work and committed to our patients’ success, we will do everything possible to assist you in living your best life.

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