Garden State Bariatrics Turns 15!

July 21, 2022 | Bilof's Corner

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Way back, on July 2nd, 2007, Garden State Bariatrics was born! On that day it was me, Dominga and my lovely bride, Kara. Keisha joined us several weeks later so she still kind of gets credit as an OG…. ‘Original Gangsta’.

It was an exciting (and challenging!) time, and a lot of fun. As I think back over the last 15 years, the thing that initially motivated me to start GSB is still what motivates me (and the team!) today, which is that bariatrics is the ultimate ‘happy medicine’. With Bariatric Surgery, a single surgery solves, or dramatically improves, many different problems— diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, GERD, infertility and others.

As I am sure many of you can attest, the changes in your life after bariatric surgery can be quite dramatic. And really it is you (the patients) that are the reason Garden State made it through that first year and, indeed, the last 15. The dramatic impact this surgery has on quality of life for our patients is really the thing that gets me up in the morning! So, while me and the rest of the GSB team will be celebrating our 15th birthday this month, I just wanted to give a shout out to the folks who make it all possible, you the patients… thanks again!

By Dr. Michael Bilof

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