Healthy Diet

The Truth About Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery

Embarking on the path of weight loss surgery is a transformative journey. It's not just about shedding pounds; it's about embracing a new, healthier lifestyle that includes proper diet and exercise. At Garden State Bariatrics in New Jersey, we are committed to the well-being and success of our patients. A crucial aspect of achieving your weight loss goals is understanding how nutrition affects your body during this transformative process. Key Considerations: Protein Intake and Rapid Weight Loss Similar to the challenges faced by those struggling with obesity, rapid weight loss and dietary restrictions after bariatric surgery can trigger changes in
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How to Avoid Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery

You did it. You worked hard to meet the requirements necessary for undergoing bariatric surgery. You had the procedure and got through recovery. You quickly shed pounds in the year after surgery, and were keeping up with your post-surgery diet. But… First you hit a plateau, and now the pounds have started to come back. At this point, some patients want to give up. Don’t let this be you: you can get back on the right track, and we’re here to help. Why Do Patients Regain Weight After Surgery? Weight regain after bariatric surgery is not uncommon. While sometimes a
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Don’t Drink Your Calories!

Let’s Talk About (NOT) Drinking Calories! Perhaps you’ve seen the ad below in your travels around the internet. It’s the fall after all and one must have the proper beverage at all times! Hate to be the guy who rains on the parade, but you definitely want to avoid all these types of beverages. If you want to see what you will be subjecting your body to if you drink one of these follow this link: and then click on the “Download Beverage Nutritional PDF” and then go to page 7 of that PDF: the “Autumn 22 Promo Beverages”.
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Eat. Real. Food.

You might reasonably ask, “Don’t I eat real food?”. Actually, if you’re a typical American eating the typical American diet - chances are this concept is being challenged. Most Americans eat highly processed ‘food’ that all too often is loaded with added sugar, fat, salt and artificial ingredients. What most of us eat could be more accurately described as “Edible food-like substances." How do you know if what you are eating is “real food?" Here is a simple the ingredient label. There are many whole food options that contain only real ingredients. Hint - most packaged goods in the
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The Many Names of Sugar

Those of you who are religious (and even those who are not) may have learned in the past that the Devil comes in many guises and has many names, presumably to more easily tempt fallible human beings. Well, the intentions of this blog are far more down-to-earth…nutrition, exercise and health. In our world there is also a “devil” and boy-oh-boy does he have many names. The devil of our world is….sugar. To be a little more precise, added sugar. One of the advantages of ‘real food’ is there is very little or no added sugar. If you look at the
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Can you do this for your whole life?

Anytime is a good time to establish new habits but in our culture, January seems to be the most popular time to do so. So let's talk about the ‘R word’ (Resolutation). Since our beat around here is health, nutrition and diet I will confine my remarks to those topics. We all know most ‘diets’ don’t work whether you start it in January or any other time of year. Why is that? Might I suggest it’s because most diets are impossible to maintain. Anyone remember the cabbage soup diet? Are you really going to eat cabbage soup for your entire
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What’s In a Label

I want to talk about changes the food industry has made that will support both of those efforts. As of 2020, nutritional labels on purchased foods have new requirements. There are several changes on these new nutritional labels. Three of which I want to bring to your attention: Portion sizes are more realistic and reflect the amount that people actually eat. In the past, food companies would often have artificially small portion sizes which made the food seem like it had less calories than it really did. However, be careful not to let these larger portion sizes be an excuse
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Taste Buds Rehab

I recently read a startling fact…in the 1970’s the average supermarket in the United States carried around 15,000 products. Today, that supermarket has almost 50,000 items... WOW! On the surface, that sounds great… more choices and variety. But scratch that surface just a bit and you will find it’s mostly just a “pseudo-variety”. Think about it…have we found a thousand new species of fish in the ocean deep? (Ah…NO!). Have we developed thousands of new strains of fruits and vegetables… not really.  What has happened is food engineers (yes, that’s a thing!) have found thousands of new and ingenious
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How To Eat

You first have to know how to identify "real foods", and then slowly introduce them into your diet. Real food may actually cost a bit more (trust me… its worth it!) and your taste buds might need to adjust. Let me give a concrete example. If you eat the Standard American Diet (SAD) chances are the bread you eat is not real food but a chemical concoction. One brand of bread I recommend (that is actual real food and truly whole grain) is Ezekiel (I have no financial ties to the company!). Now, if you normally eat Wonder Bread, then
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The Micro… What??

As often happens in medicine, we take a relatively simple concept and then give it a really intimidating name, so no one knows what the heck we’re talking about! The "microbiome" refers to the bacteria that live in our gut (intestines). There are more bacteria in the gut than cells in the human body! In fact, one could make the case (with tongue only partially in cheek) that the human body is just a vehicle for the care and feeding of bacteria! In all seriousness, what is this microbiome and why should you care about it? The microbiome is established
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