Gastric Sleeve

Lose Weight Safely with Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Weight gain and obesity can put your health at risk, causing you to develop chronic illnesses or other health concerns. Many people have trouble losing weight on their own, and in some cases, may not have the time to lose weight through diet and exercise alone, as their health is in immediate danger. In cases such as these, Garden State Bariatrics can help you get started on a healthier path by performing gastric sleeve surgery at one of our two New Jersey locations including Millburn and Toms River. Weight loss surgeries are our specialty, and our metabolic and bariatric surgeons are committed to helping you regain your quality of life and take better control of your health. Please reach out to us to learn more about our bariatric surgery procedures, find out about our comprehensive bariatric care, or to request a consultation.

What Is Gastric Sleeve?

Gastric Sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy or vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight loss procedure used to help overweight or obese individuals Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Gastric Sleeve UCLA Go to Source rapidly lose weight and become healthier. During the procedure, a vertical portion of the stomach is removed to reduce the overall size of the stomach. The stomach that remains looks like a sleeve or narrow tube (hence the name “sleeve”). Unlike other bariatric surgeries that also reroute the intestines, gastric sleeve leaves the digestive tract untouched, which makes the surgery simpler and can make the recovery easier.

The procedure uses two mechanisms to help you lose weight:

  • Restrictive: The surgery restricts the amount of food you’re able to eat by reducing the size of the stomach from 32 ounces (size of a football) to about 8 to 10 ounces (size of a banana). Limiting food intake is the first step to successful weight loss.

  • Chemical/Hormonal: The sleeve procedure produces a second “chemical/hormonal” effect because it reduces the part of the stomach responsible for producing ghrelin, also known as the “hunger hormone”. The body’s production of this hormone is what leads to a feeling of hunger. The reduced appetite helps to support ongoing weight loss, making the gastric sleeve a very impactful bariatric option.

Gastric Sleeve Procedure

We perform gastric sleeve surgery as a laparoscopic procedure. We begin this non-reversible surgery by making five to six small incisions in the abdomen and use surgical instruments along with a video camera (laparoscope) to remove approximately two thirds of the stomach. The remaining one third is remodeled into a gastric “sleeve” or “tube”. Gastric sleeve surgery takes between one and two hours.

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve

There is more than one option of weight loss surgery available, which means it’s important to consider the benefits of each option before making your final decision. Gastric sleeve provides many benefits for patients and has become a popular choice for those looking to lose weight and regain their health. Gastric sleeve is an excellent option due to the following benefits it provides:

Permanent Solution: Gastric sleeve provides a permanent weight loss solution, helping you completely change your lifestyle and remain healthy for the long-term.

Rapid Results: Gastric sleeve can help you achieve quick weight loss results by significantly reducing your appetite and controlling food intake. On average, many patients lose approximately 50 to 60 percent of their excess body weight.

Why Is Gastric Sleeve Recommended?

Gastric sleeve is recommended to help patients lose weight. However, it can also be used to treat many other health conditions that develop due to excess weight. If you are overweight and suffer from many other ailments as a result, your doctor may recommend gastric sleeve to help you combat your problems. The procedure can help treat the following weight-related conditions:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Type II diabetes
  • Obesity and depression
  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

Gastric Sleeve Candidates

Good candidates for gastric sleeve surgery are individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. That means if you are at least 100 pounds over your ideal weight you may be a good candidate for the gastric sleeve procedure.

How Does Gastric Sleeve Produce Weight Loss?

Gastric sleeve effectively helps you lose weight because it both restricts food intake and changes the biology of weight regulation. With a smaller stomach, you won’t be able to eat as much, which is obviously a major factor in weight loss. In addition, the procedure changes the biology of weight loss in your body. Losing weight without surgery, such as with diet and exercise programs, can be difficult to achieve, and even more difficult to maintain because the body has specific biologic mechanisms in place to maintain your weight and prevent weight loss.

FAQs About Gastric Sleeve Surgery

What is the difference between gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass surgery?
During the gastric sleeve procedure, a surgeon will remove a section of the stomach and sculpt the remaining portion into a tube-like shape. After gastric sleeve surgery, the reduced size of the stomach leads to the patient feeling full faster when eating. Gastric bypass does not remove part of the stomach, and instead partitions the stomach into two sections which reduces the amount of food the patient can consume at any one time.

Is there any risk of complications?
There are Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cleveland Clinic Go to Source risks with any surgical procedure such as poor wound healing, blood clots, infection, bleeding, or injury to other organs. In addition there is also the risk of increased acid reflux and heartburn (GERD), and leaks in the staple line, however, all of these complications are rare—major complications occur in Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Bariatric Surgery Procedures ASMBS Go to Source less than 1% of patients .

Gastric Sleeve Recovery

After gastric sleeve surgery, you’ll follow strict dietary guidelines; you’ll begin with a diet of non carbonated, sugar-free clear liquids for the first week and then move to liquid protein supplements. After 4 weeks you can begin to eat regular foods. You will be required to take a calcium supplement once daily and a multivitamin twice daily.
It is normal to experience a range of symptoms as your body adjusts to rapid weight loss during the first six months after gastric sleeve surgery. Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Sleeve gastrectomy Mayo Clinic Go to Source Patients report body aches and pains, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, hair loss, dry skin, feeling cold, and mood changes.

Gastric sleeve patients participate in long-term follow-up care that may include nutrition monitoring, as well as lifestyle, behavior, medical support.

Why Choose Garden State Bariatrics?

If you’re considering bariatric surgery to help you lose weight, Garden State Bariatrics is an excellent choice to answer your questions and help you determine the best surgical solution to assist you in reaching your goals. We have many years of experience and a team of qualified surgeons and medical staff to guide you through a successful procedure.

Patient Stories

1UCLA. Gastric Sleeve. Accessed July 15, 2021.
2 Mayo Clinic. Sleeve gastrectomy. Available: Accessed July 15, 2021.
3Cleveland Clinic. Gastric Sleeve Surgery. Available: Accessed July 15, 2021.
4ASMBS. Bariatric Surgery Procedures. Available: Accessed July 15, 2021.

The Doctors at Garden State Bariatrics have either authored or reviewed and approved this content. Page Updated:

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